How to Use Security Holograms
How to use Security Holograms

Many people are at risk everyday due to counterfeited products. No product is safe if a few dollars can be made. Protect your reputation in the marketplace. Secure your product!
Document Protection
Prevent scanning, photocopying of your valued document/certifificate by adding
tamper evident security holograms. Apply over signature on valued documents and certificates. Sequential numbers can add an additional benefit to the hologram. Self destructing holograms prevent removal and re-application to another document.
Product Authentication
Security holograms are used in many industries some of which include Pharmaceuticals, Auto/Airline Parts, Software, and most other consumer goods.
Apply holograms to your product to added security, visibility and the ability to
differentiate your goods from potential counterfeiters. It may prevent potential
liability issues as well.
Identification Verification
Security Hologram
A security hologram added on your identifification badges adds security and visibility. Sophisticated imaging technologies and have made common identification badges a targeted risk. Prevent unauthorized personnel
from gaining access to sensitive materials.
Holographic Heat Seal Butterfly Pouches
Holographic additions to heat sealing increase security protection and durability of identification card. Encapsulate card in laminated pouch with a hologram, serial number and color print.
Here's a list of industries benefiting from the use of our security holograms:
- Apparel
- Cigarettes
- Handbag/Wallets/Backpacks
- Media - Software, DVD's & CD's
- Consumer Electronics
- Watches/Parts
- Footwear
- Toys/Electronics
- Sunglasses/Parts
- Headwear
- Tax Stamps
- Pharmaceuticals
- Auto/Airplane Parts
- Gift Certifificates
- Identifification cards and papers
- Phone Cards
- Lottery Cards
- Admission Tickets
- Transportation Passes
- Banking Documents
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